Predefined Cells and Templated Channels

The templated channels consist of a set of cells defined in the rattan-core library, which you can use to quickly set up a network path for testing. You can use these channels through the rattan link subcommand with just a few command line arguments.

For now, we only provide a simple bidirectional channel, with each direction comprising three cells: bandwidth, delay and loss. This channel is suitable for most common network emulation scenarios.

You can configure the parameters of each cell by passing the arguments to the subcommand.

For example, to create a channel with 10Mbps bandwidth, infinite queue, 50ms latency and 1% loss rate in both directions, you can run the following command:

rattan link uplink-bandwidth 10Mbps uplink-delay 50ms uplink-loss 0.1 downlink-bandwidth 10Mbps downlink-delay 50ms downlink-loss 0.1

Then you will be prompted to a shell with the network path set up.

For detailed usage, you can run rattan link --help to see the available cells and options:

Run a templated channel with command line arguments

Usage: rattan link [OPTIONS] [-- <COMMAND>...]

  [COMMAND]...  Command to run. Only used when in compatible mode

      --uplink-loss <Loss>              Uplink packet loss
      --downlink-loss <Loss>            Downlink packet loss
      --generate                        Generate config file instead of running a instance
      --uplink-delay <Delay>            Uplink delay
      --downlink-delay <Delay>          Downlink delay
      --generate-path <File>            Generate config file to the specified path instead of stdout
      --packet-log <File>               The file to store compressed packet log (overwrite config) (default: None)
      --uplink-bandwidth <Bandwidth>    Uplink bandwidth
      --file-log                        Enable logging to file
      --uplink-trace <File>             Uplink trace file
      --file-log-path <File>            File log path, default to $CACHE_DIR/rattan/core.log
      --uplink-queue <Queue Type>       Uplink queue type [possible values: infinite, droptail, drophead, codel]
      --uplink-queue-args <JSON>        Uplink queue arguments
      --downlink-bandwidth <Bandwidth>  Downlink bandwidth
      --downlink-trace <File>           Downlink trace file
      --downlink-queue <Queue Type>     Downlink queue type [possible values: infinite, droptail, drophead, codel]
      --downlink-queue-args <JSON>      Downlink queue arguments
  -s, --shell <SHELL>                   Shell used to run if no command is specified. Only used when in compatible mode [default: default] [possible values: default, sh, bash, zsh, fish]
  -h, --help                            Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                         Print version