Running a Client

A Client is a process that interact with the Coordinator. It is responsible for creating tasks, querying their results, and managing workers or groups. The Client is a short-lived process that is typically run on-demand.

Starting a Client

While it's possible to provide a TOML configuration file to the client, it's often unnecessary given the limited number of configuration items, all of which pertain to login procedures.

Typically, to start a Client, we can simply run the following command to enter interactive mode:

mito client -i

If a user has never logged in or if his/her session has expired, the Client will prompt them to re-input their username and password for authentication. Alternatively, they can directly specify their username (-u) or password (-p) during execution. Once authenticated, the Client will retain their credentials in a file for future use.

We recommend using the interactive mode for most operations, as it provides a more user-friendly experience.

We can also directly run a command without entering interactive mode by specifying the command as an argument. For example, to create a new user, we can run:

mito client create user -u new_user -p new_password

The full list of command-line arguments can be found by running mito client --help:

Run a mitosis client

Usage: mito client [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  create  Create a new user or group
  get     Get the info of a task, artifact, attachment, or a list of tasks subject to the filters
  submit  Submit a task
  upload  Upload an attachment to a group
  cancel  Cancel a worker or a task
  quit    Quit the client's interactive mode
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --config <CONFIG>                    The path of the config file
  -c, --coordinator <COORDINATOR_ADDR>     The address of the coordinator
      --credential-path <CREDENTIAL_PATH>  The path of the user credential file
  -u, --user <USER>                        The username of the user
  -p, --password <PASSWORD>                The password of the user
  -i, --interactive                        Enable interactive mode
  -h, --help                               Print help
  -V, --version                            Print version

To know how each subcommand works, you can run mito client <subcommand> --help. For example, to know how to create a new user, you can run mito client create user --help:

Create a new user

Usage: mito client create user [OPTIONS] --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD>

  -u, --username <USERNAME>  The username of the user
  -p, --password <PASSWORD>  The password of the user
      --admin                Whether the user is an admin
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version